Mini Acres Ranch
EST: 2010
Our flock is broken into two flocks, each focused on a specific goal of our ranch. We've got a large flock of "Layers" and another that we call our "Specialty" flock.
Our Layer flock does just that, meaning the eggs laid among this flock are collected with human consumption in mind, or to hatch a general backyard mixture of chicks. The Layer flock is overseen by a large, gentle Easter Egger/Wyandotte cross rooster, Leonidas. His barnyard mix harem consists of Marans, various Wyandotte varieties, Easter Eggers, and olive eggers.
Our Specialty flock is made up solely of the wyandotte breed in the splash and blue variations of the blue laced red coloring. It currently consists of three roosters, Duke(Blue), Roger(Splash) and Lucas(Splash). They oversee a flock of approximately 30 hens in various shades of blue, splash and black laced. This variation of wyandotte has been a goal of ours for sometime now and we hope to see our first chicks the summer of 2020!
Our ranch produces NO WHITE EGGS!
Current Egg Prices
Barnyard Flock: $5.00/dozen
Specialty Flock: $15.00/dozen